(Vest, long sleeve, shorts, shoes)
It was a gorgeous morning to go and tour our city.

Emilee’s training is getting real, so I guess mine is too;)

Beck got candy in class and decided to save it for me. He knows the way to get me to say yes for the rest of the day.

We decorated cookies for some friends to deliver.

Beretta is very protective of them and watching every move they make when going up to a door that she doesn’t recognize.

Grilled cheese sandwiches and the easiest tomato soup that everyone loves over here.

Emilee dealt with running injury after running injury until she started doing yoga every day. I’m trying to follow in her footsteps.

You know when things magically fit together, so you go for it?! That was us with booking this trip, which is coming up in 6.5 weeks. We were looking at our calendar with Knox and realized that we had a longer than normal break with him for Spring Break. We then started brainstorming ideas of what to do with the time off that Andrew had from work during this time too. Brooke’s grandma and grandpa on her dad’s side (we are all friends, and Andrew and my ex are actually really good friends so this is all normal for us even though it might sound abnormal, ha) are serving a church mission in Southern France and have invited us to come and stay with them while they are there. We have all been wanting to visit them and see where they live and what they do each day. Also, one of my best friends lives in Switzerland, and I’ve been dying to visit her and her family for ages. France and Switzerland are awfully close which could not be more perfect… it feels meant to be. We looked up tickets, and they were extremely reasonable. We also had enough points to cover most of the plane tickets to make this the cheapest Europe trip ever.
Remember when I visited Sarah in Thailand when she was living there? I can’t wait to get a peek into her life in Switzerland now that she has been there for 8 years.

Brooke’s grandma sends pics from their time on their mission and each one is dreamy.

We need recommendations for Paris… Andrew and I have been there for about 2 hours on a layover but that’s it.

We are going to be in Paris for about 2.5 days before heading south. Have you been? What do we have to do??
Dog Owners–> Is your dog pretty protective of you?
Any trips you are looking forward to?
Anyone else love yoga or not so much?