GRAND RAPIDS, MI — A bicyclist killed when he was struck by a suspected drunken driver is being recalled as a hard-working stagehand.

Stephen Dowhan, 53, of Walker, worked to set up and break down shows at DeVos Place and Van Andel Arena.

“He was committed to his craft and doing it the best he could,” said Josh Roskamp, business agent at the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees Local 26.

Dowhan had just finished working to break down the Grand Rapids Bridal Show at DeVos Place on Jan. 11 and was riding west on his bicycle. His destination wasn’t immediately clear.

Dowhan was trying to cross Scribner Ave. NW, at Pearl Street, when he was struck by a northbound vehicle that had just exited U.S. 131. He was struck about 6:30 p.m.

Grand Rapids police said the driver was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving, although the person had not been officially charged as of Thursday.

Roskamp said Dowhan had been a stagehand since about 2010.

Roskamp described him as a hard worker who followed professional standards and made sure co-workers did too.

“He was generally a bright spot when he got to work,” Roskamp said.

Dowhan had done rigging and spotlight work and strived to be a master of the stagehand trade.

“He wanted to be qualified on all things,” Roskamp said.

Dowhan recently was learning more about sound for shows and also advanced lighting.

“I would dare send Steve to any job,” he said.

“People say, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’ But Steve wasn’t one of them. He was always learning the new tricks,” Dowhan said.

Grand Rapids police said they could not provide any details on the status of charges against the driver.

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